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What are the causes and treatment for thyroid cancer?

Thyroid cancer is a disease in which malignant cells form in the tissues of the thyroid gland. Thyroid nodules are common but usually are not cancer. There are different types of thyroid cancer. Age, gender, and being exposed to radiation can affect the risk of thyroid cancer. Best Treatment For Thyroid Cancer There are some risk factors which increases the chance of having cancer: 1. Gender: Thyroid Cancer occurs about 3 times more often in women than men. Women are diagnosed with 3 of every 4 thyroid cancers. 2. Age: Thyroid cancer can occur at any age, but about two-thirds of all cases are found in people between the ages of 40 and 55. Risk of thyroid cancer peaks in the 40s and 50s for women and for men it can occur in their 60s and 70s. 3. Hereditary Conditions: Several inherited conditions have been linked to different types of thyroid cancer, as has a family history like 2 out of 10 medullary thyroid carcinomas (MTCs) result from inheriting an abnormal gene.

Types of Lung Cancers & Its Treatment

Proton Cancer Centre Health care professionals broadly classify lung cancers into two types: small-cell lung cancers (SCLC) and non-small-cell lung cancers (NSCLC). This classification depends upon the microscopic appearance of the tumor cells themselves, specifically the size of the cells. These two types of cancers grow and spread in different ways and may have different treatment options. SCLC comprises about 20% of lung cancers which are the most aggressive and rapidly growing of all lung cancers. SCLC is related to cigarette smoking, with only 1% of these tumors occurring in non-smokers. SCLC metastasis rapidly spreads to many sites within the body and are most often discovered after they have spread extensively. Referring to a specific cell appearance often seen when examining samples of SCLC under the microscope, these cancers are sometimes called oat cell carcinomas. NSCLC is the most common lung cancers, accounting for about 80% of all lung cancers. NSCLC can b

Impact of RERA & GST in Indian Real Estate Market

Indian Real Estate Market The presentation of the RERA Act in 2016 and GST in 2017 demonstrated to be turning points in the real estate sector . These basic changes have fixed the administrative structure in a recently divided and chaotic division, clearing a path for a market that is considerably more combined, develop, and consequently fit for pulling in manageable development and speculation.  RERA has helped lift the request for premium apartments in Gurgaon by engaging purchasers, guaranteeing those genuine players are better set on account of the track of undertaking fruitions and consequently better client certainty. Despite the fact that the business is still in throes of progress, this forecasts well in the medium to the long haul for the division.  GST too has assumed an urgent job in resuscitating the market. Like RERA, it infuses some truly necessary straightforwardness and responsibility into the part with a streamlined expense structure and more notewort

Homeowners Tax Benefits

Real Estate Property In Gurgaon These are some of the benefits that a homeowner will get: 1. Selling of your property:  On the off chance that an individual needs to sell his property following 5 years, at that point the measure of home credit will be turned around and give us a salary to the mortgage holder. The chief measure of the luxury flats in Gurgaon , the advance will be treated as extra pay and added to their pay rates. This is the most significant advantage that you can pick up as a proprietor of the property in Gurgaon. 2. From whom you are taking the advance:  It is safe to say that you are taking a home advance from your family and companions? The advantage of taking an advance from your friends and family is that you can pay it in portions. Along these lines, just the measure of enthusiasm of the home credit is permitted to deduct. For an explanation of these reasonings, the bank needs to revamp the records that unmistakably clarify the derivation of sum to

Best Treatment For Head & Neck cancer

Best Treatment For Neck Cancer Head & Neck Cancers are among the commonest cancers in India. Most of these cancers are squamous cell carcinomas — malignant growths that begin in the flat squamous cells that form the inner lining in many parts of the head and neck. These are the treatments for Head & Neck Cancer: 1. Surgical Oncology: Surgical Oncology  is operated on cancer patients to remove the tumor and restore the appearance and health. 2. Proton Therapy: The precise nature of  proton therapy  makes it an excellent option for the treatment of certain head and neck cancers. Proton therapy delivers highly effective doses of radiation directly into the tumor, decreasing the risk of damage to delicate tissue in the head and neck. 3. Radiation Therapy: Radiation Therapy  using the tomotherapy system which delivers the radiation in small beamlets, enabling your doctor to devise a treatment plan that delivers an optimal dose of radiation to your tumor. 4.

Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatment

Proton Cancer Treatment Centre These are the Advanced Treatment For Prostate Cancer: 1. Active Surveillance: If  prostate cancer  is detected at an early, passive state then a wait and watch approach is often the preferred option. The treatment of cancer at this stage could lead to larger complications than the tumor itself. 2. Surgical Treatment: Surgical treatment is used to counter prostate cancer and remove the tumor either through conventional or  robotic surgery . 3. Radical Prostatectomy: This is the surgical removal of the entire prostate and the seminal vesicles. While the surgery eliminates the tumor, it usually has serious effects on the patient’s sexual health. 4. Radiation Therapy: Photon  Radiation therapy  to treat prostate cancer that is contained within the prostate. Radiation therapists may perform: Image-Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) –  This combines precise 3-D imaging from CT scanning with highly targeted radiation beams to deliver radia

Luxury Housing Trends in India

Luxury Properties Luxury housing in India has witnessed significant prominence and appreciation, making it one of the most dynamic segments of the real estate sector. The modern aesthetics of real estate infrastructure and the technology-driven lifestyle have transformed the way we live in India. Today, these modern homes are considered as a lifestyle statement, reflecting an individual’s aspiration and social status. A rapid rise in the number of high net-worth individuals (HNIs), increased aspirations, transforming lifestyle and investment interest from Diaspora are the major factors pushing the demand for luxury housing . The globetrotter population of India is constantly rising and since they are well exposed to the international standards of living, they look for such amenities and lifestyle in their dream homes as well. According to a Global Wealth Report, since 2000, wealth in India has grown 9.2% per annum, faster than the global average of 6% and this is quite a favo

Indian Real Estate Market Trends

Real estate market in India is one of the most promising sectors for investment. Not only does this market provide safe investment options, but it also promises to deliver favorable returns. Experts believe that investing in the reality market is always better than investing in gold, mutual funds or any other investment scheme. However, it is always wise to do some leg work for yourself and study the property market in India carefully before making an investment decision. Even though the   real estate market was going through a rough patch in the past few years, new trends are expected to emerge. With constantly increasing demands, the residential property market is only destined to grow in the years to come and will give you favorable returns on investment. Real Estate Sector Here are 7 things you must know before investing in real estate in India: 1.  The real estate market in India is evolving at a rapid pace. After seeing a low down for quite some years, it has

What is Marketing Automation?

Autonomous Marketing What is marketing automation? This refers to the software that exists with the aim of automating marketing actions. In marketing departments, there are some tasks that are repeated on a daily basis. To make work more effective and easier, tasks such as emails, social media, and other website actions should be automated. This is where  marketing automation technology  becomes useful. The Ideal Marketing Automation When marketing automation is well implemented, it allows companies to nurture prospects with content that is personalized and useful in order to eventually convert potential customers to real customers. This type of marketing automation usually generates lots of income for companies and guarantees plenty return on investment. Marketing automation  may be very hard to implement but it’s definitely not impossible. For instance, let’s say you want to grow a plant. The first thing you need is very fertile soil for plant growth. Secondly, you n

What Are Malignant Skull Base Tumors?

Malignant Skull Base Tumor Malignant Skull Base Tumors Some malignant, or cancerous, skull base tumors grow more rapidly than benign tumors. They have the potential to spread to other areas of the body. Following are the types of malignant skull base tumor: 1. Chondrosarcomas Chondrosarcoma is a type of cancer that starts in the cartilage at the junction of the bones of the skull base. These tumors can grow slowly or rapidly. Symptoms of chondrosarcomas depend on their location in the skull base and may include headache, ringing in the ears, and problems with vision, hearing, or balance. These symptoms might result in brain cancer . 2. Esthesioneuroblastomas An esthesioneuroblastoma arises from cells in the olfactory nerves, which travel from the nose to the brain and control the sense of smell. This type of tumor occurs in the nasal cavity and can grow into the skull base. An esthesioneuroblastoma can obstruct the nasal passages and cause nosebleeds, changes

Types of Benign Skull Base Tumor

Skull Base Tumor Benign Skull Base Tumors Even though benign tumors are usually slow-growing, they can become large enough to cause symptoms. Following are the different types of Benign Skull Base Tumors: 1. Meningiomas Meningiomas are one of the brain cancer types which occur in the meninges, the sheet-like layers of connective tissue that protect the brain and spinal cord. Most of these tumors are benign. Symptoms depend on the location of the meningioma. The tumor may press on nerves, causing facial numbness or pain. It may also affect the optic nerve, interfering with vision; other cranial nerves; or the brain stem, which connects the brain to the spine. Meningiomas may be treated using proton therapy   so it's better to consult a doctor if see any symptoms. 2. Pituitary Tumors These growths occur on the pituitary, a small gland located at the base of the brain that produces many hormones and controls other glands that produce hormones. There are many

Symptoms & Treatment For Bone Cancer

Bone cancer is a sarcoma that starts in the bone. Bones are the support system of the body, together forming a skeleton which gives us shape and posture. There are several types of bone cancers, the most serious being primary bone cancers . Bone & Soft Tissue Cancer Here are the symptoms for bone cancer: Swelling or lump under the skin, most often in the arm or leg Pain, if the tumor is pressing on muscles or nerves Bloody or black stools Abdominal discomfort Numbness or weakness in arm or leg Bone fractures Symptoms For Soft Tissue Sarcoma: The location of the sarcoma makes a difference in the symptoms. For instance, if they start: ·          On the arms or legs, you may notice a lump that grows over a period of weeks to months. It may hurt, but it usually doesn’t. ·          In the retroperitoneum (the back wall inside the abdomen), they may cause problems that have symptoms, such as pain. Tumors may cause blockage or bleeding of the

Radiation Therapy Its Uses & Benefits

Radiation Oncology is one of the specialized treatment protocols in cancer care that involves the use of high-energy particles – usually photons or revolutionary protons - to attack cancer cells. Radiation Oncology is an evolving ecosystem with new revolutionary treatments emerging constantly. Cancer Treatment Using Radiation Therapy Ideal Situation For Radiation Therapy: To Cure Early-Stage Cancer Radiation therapy is ideally suited to cure cancers which are extremely sensitive to radiation. Exposure to radiation beams shrinks these cancers or removes them completely. In the early stages of cancer care, radiation is often used to complement chemotherapy, or as a precursor to surgery. Critical Adjunct In Multi-Modal Therapy Radiation therapy is used in combination with other forms of treatment, like Proton therapy , Medical or Surgical Oncology, to attack cancer cells. Radiation can shrink tumors before chemotherapy or surgery, or attack residual cancerous tissue