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Showing posts from June, 2019

Procedure For CNS Treatment

Central Nervous System Cancer The following procedure takes place for the treatment of Brain Tumor: 1. Neuro Surgery: Neurosurgery   is a highly specialized niche that plays an integral role in the treatment of brain tumors. The brain is a complex and delicate organ in the human body; planning brain surgery demands that we address the challenge of quality of life post the procedure. Maximum Safe Debulking is a process that refers to the maximum size of the abnormal tissue that can be surgically removed without compromising critical brain functions. Often neurosurgery is used as the first line of defense to reduce the size of the tumor to manageable sizes; post this, other forms of treatments are used to eradicate it. 2. Radiation Oncology: Radiation therapy is the use of high-energy x-rays or other particles to destroy tumor cells. Doctors use radiation therapy to cover microscopic subclinical disease after maximum safe debulking. It is also used in combination with chemot

What is Autism ?

Autism spectrum disorder is a condition related to  brain development  that impacts how a person perceives and socializes with others, causing problems in social interaction and communication. The disorder also includes limited and repetitive patterns of behavior. The term "spectrum" in autism spectrum disorder refers to the wide range of symptoms and severity. Autism Treatment Autism spectrum disorder  includes conditions that were previously considered separate — autism, Asperger's syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder and an unspecified form of pervasive developmental disorder. Some people still use the term "Asperger's syndrome," which is generally thought to be at the mild end of autism spectrum disorder. Autism spectrum disorder begins in early childhood and eventually causes problems functioning in society — socially, in school and at work, for example. Often children show symptoms of autism within the first year. A small number of ch

What is Throat Cancer?

Throat Cancer Throat cancer, a type of   head and neck cancer , can be found in the pharynx or larynx. It most often affects squamous cells or thin, flat cells that line the surface of these organs. Throat cancer can affect either the pharynx or larynx and there are a variety of different types, based on where the cancer is found. Squamous cell cancer of the throat can spread to other areas of the body including the lungs, bone, and liver. Symptoms: Following are the symptoms of throat cancer: 1.  A sore throat that doesn’t go away. 2.  Pain or difficulty in swallowing. 3.  Persistent ear pain 4.  A lump in the neck or throat 5.  Hoarseness or other changes in the voice. 6.  Bleeding of Nose 7.  Headaches 8.  Coughing up blood 9.  Unexplained weight loss 10.  Sores in the throat Diagnosis of throat cancer  typically begins with a physical exam conducted by your doctor to check for any signs of abnormality, such as a sore or lump in your mouth or swolle

What is Diabetic Neuropathy?

Diabetic neuropathy is a serious and common complication of type-1 and type-2 diabetes. It’s a type of nerve damage caused by long-term high blood sugar levels. The condition usually develops slowly, sometimes over the course of several decades. Treatment for Diabetic Neuropathy If you have diabetes and notice numbness, tingling, pain, or weakness in your hands or feet, you should see your doctor. These are early symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. The danger is usually when you can’t feel pain and an ulcer develops on your foot. In cases of severe or prolonged peripheral neuropathy, you may be vulnerable to injuries or infections. In serious cases, poor wound healing or infection can lead to amputation. There are different types of  diabetic neuropathy  that affect different areas of your body such as: 1. Peripheral Neuropathy: Peripheral neuropathy  usually affects the feet and legs, but it can also affect the arms or hands. Symptoms are varied and can be mild to seve

Parkinson's Disease & It's Causes

Parkinson is a Neurological Disease Parkinson's illness is a mental issue that prompts shaking, firmness, and trouble with strolling, parity, and coordination. Older lady and her parental figure Parkinson's side effects, for the most part, start bit by bit and deteriorate after some time. As sickness advances, individuals may experience issues strolling and talking. They may likewise have mental and social changes, rest issues, dejection, memory troubles, and exhaustion. The two people can have  Parkinson's sickness . In any case, the sickness influences around 50 percent a greater number of men than ladies. One clear hazard factor for Parkinson's is age. Albeit the vast majority with Parkinson's initially build up the ailment at about age 60, around 5 to 10 percent of individuals with Parkinson's have "early-beginning" sickness, which starts before the age of 50. Early-beginning types of Parkinson's are frequently, however not constant

What is the Work of Neurologist?

Treatment of Neurological Disorder Nervous system specialists  are specialists who determine and treat issues to have the cerebrum and sensory system. They don't do the medical procedure. Your specialist may prescribe that you see one on the off chance that he supposes you have a disease that necessities master care. A nervous system specialist has, in any event, advanced education and 4 years of restorative school in addition to a 1-year entry level position and 3 years of exceptional preparing in nervous system science. Numerous additionally invest additional energy finding out about a particular field, similar to development issue or agony the board. A portion of the conditions a nervous system specialist treats are: 1.  Alzheimer's disease 2.  Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease) 3.  Back pain 4.  Brain and spinal cord injury or infection 5.  Brain tumor 6.  Epilepsy 7.  Headaches 8.  Multiple sclerosis 9.  Parkinson

Stomach Cancer & It's Treatment

Treatment of Stomach Cancer The stomach cancer is normally analyzed in the later stages when side effects happen, it is viewed as cutting edge and in this way hard to treat. What's more, since it's moderately uncommon in the United States, it is imperative to pick a treatment focus with a group that has treated numerous patients with stomach malignancy. Treatment by the stage for stomach cancer: Beginning time conclusion of  stomach cancer  is uncommon. Yet, in the event that you are determined to have arranged 0 or I, the medical procedure will probably be your lone type of treatment. The vast majority are analyzed at stage II or III and in this way our way to deal with treating these further developed phases of malignancy is forceful. The most part includes chemotherapy with or without radiation previously or after the medical procedure. Some sub-phases of sort IV are treated with chemotherapy alone, for side effect the executives and palliative consideration

Skull Base Surgery & It's Concept

Treatment of Skull & Brain Tumors Since tumors of the skull base sit underneath the brain, it can be difficult during surgery to get to the tumor in order to remove it. Traditional techniques used to approach tumors of the brain itself can be used to approach skull base tumors, but these often require significant force to retract the patient’s brain out of the way. This may lead to unwanted injury to otherwise normal brain tissue. The basic concept of skull base surgery is to approach the tumor from underneath or from the side by removing specific areas of skull base bone. Thus, the tumor can be exposed with little to no brain retraction. Skull base procedures, for example, may be designed to traverse the bone containing the ear (trans-temporal/trans-petrosal/retrosigmoid approaches), low on the temple beneath the brain (middle fossa approach), around the eye (trans-orbital/orbital-zygomatic/craniofacial approaches), through the nose or paranasal sinuses (trans-sphenoidal/