The symptoms of primary and metastatic brain cancers are similar.
The following symptoms are the most common:
1. Headache
2. Weakness
3. Clumsiness
4. Difficulty walking
5. Seizures
Brain Cancer Symptoms |
Other Signs and symptoms which are not so common regarding brain cancer are given below:
1. Altered mental status: Change in concentration, memory, attention, or alertness.
2. Nausea, vomiting
3. Abnormalities in vision
4. Difficulty with speech
5. Gradual changes in intellectual capacity or emotional response.
In many people, the onset of these symptoms is very gradual and there is a high possibility that it might be missed by both the person with the brain tumor and the family. Occasionally, however, these symptoms appear more rapidly. In some instances, the person acts as if he or she is having a stroke.
Skull Base Tumor Symptoms
Skull base tumors may not produce symptoms until they grow large. If they do have signs, they vary from person to person depending on where the tumor is and how fast it is growing:
Symptoms for skull base tumors are given below:
1. Pain or numbness in the face
2. Weakness in the face
3. Headache
4. Recurrent sinus problems
5. Stopped-up nose
6. Loss of sense of smell
7. Vision loss
8. Double vision
9. Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
10. Difficulty in swallowing and frequent choking
For detail information regarding brain cancer, symptoms visit Apollo Proton Cancer Center.
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